• Advanced Data Analytics for your College or High School Wrestling Team
  • Positional Power Ratings (using: WAPRS©)
  • Individual Wrestler Details
  • Team Performance Analysis using advanced data analytics tools


  • Works as long as match action details are recorded in a TrackWrestling OPC Season or in Flowrestling tournaments available on FloArena.
  • Team stat sheets may also work, but this is a secondary option.


  • You must have the TrackWrestling Statistics package for the College or HS season you would like us to analyze. And matches, including match action, must be entered into the TrackWrestling season for your team (either from tournaments run by TrackWrestling, MatBoss or LevelChanger video analysis that has been uploaded to TrackWrestling, or matches entered manually via the TrackWrestling Statistics program. Our video explains more on this aspect of data entry). Flowrestling tournaments only provide match outcome details to TrackWrestling.
  • 3D Wrestler stats will be your Virtual Statistician*! (we'll send instructions on adding 3D Wrestler Stats as a statistician once you've signed-up)
  • NOTE: At the Aggregate level, the 3D Wrestler Wrestling Analytics Power Rating System (WAPRS©) tools only analyze wrestler performance for matches entered with match action details (takedowns, by whom, choice, by whom, etc.). These details can be modified via TrackWrestling OPC by your local team statistician even after the fact for HS teams and there may be opportunity withing NCAA guidelines to do this for college teams, but cannot be modified by the 3D Wrestler Stats team.


  • I've spent 20 years developing predictive analytics tools to monitor software performance.
  • After I started helping my son's wrestling team with their stats --- I kind of semi-automatically started building the same types of Analytics Tools for his team. The result is 3D Wrestler Stats.